Foi um final de semana com temperatura mais amena, chuva e todos os dias com neblina, mas o simples fato de sair de casa e respirar outro ar, ouvir a chuva caindo no telhado, o barulho da água escorrendo pela cachoeira, ver pássaros e natureza deslumbrante, nos fez relaxar.
Foram três dias de tranquilidade, abalada apenas por um ruído estranho à noite, que descobrimos ser de um pequeno roedor que estava procurando comida na cozinha. 😏
We've been in social isolation for more than a year and we can't stand to stay indoors anymore. Anxiety started to get stronger and I decided to go to the middle of the woods, along with Leticia.
It was a weekend with milder temperatures, rain and fog every day, but the simple fact of leaving the house and breathing new air, listening to the rain falling on the roof, the sound of water running down the waterfall, seeing birds and nature stunning, made us relax.
It was three days of tranquility, shaken only by a strange noise at night, which we discovered was from a small rodent that was looking for food in the kitchen. 😏
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