O nome surgiu de sabores e fragrâncias que fizeram e ainda fazem parte da minha vida. Mais recentemente diversas empresas tem utilizado esses aromas para produzir perfumes, shampoo e produtos de beleza.
Este mês minha irmã visitou uma fazenda em Manalapan, New Jersey, a Happy Day Farm, que produz abóbora, girassol, mel, lavanda, zinia, maple syrup, entre outras coisas. Achei interessante como eles incrementam as atividades rurais, incorporando festivais, visitas, labirintos no milharal, colheita no próprio campo. Tim Stockel e sua esposa adquiriram a fazenda em 2012 e desde então vem trabalhando para ampliar as atividades e o público. Um lugar maravilhoso para levar crianças ou resgatar nosso espírito infantil.
June is the month that the blog started and this year it completes eight years! It's a long time, with information about places to visit, life in the center-west of Brazil, adventures in some parts of the country and the world, recipes we make on a day-to-day basis, reflections on our trajectory and other little things. .
The name came from flavors and fragrances that were and still are part of my life. More recently, several companies have used these aromas to produce perfumes, shampoo and beauty products.
This month my sister visited a farm in Manalapan, New Jersey, the Happy Day Farm, which produces pumpkin, sunflowers, honey, lavender, zinia, maple syrup, among other things. I found it interesting how they increased rural activities, incorporating festivals, visits, labyrinths in the cornfield, harvesting in the field itself. Tim Stockel and his wife acquired the farm in 2012 and since then he has been working to expand the activities and the public. A wonderful place to take children our to rescue our childish spirit.
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