Eles conseguiram comprar a terra e em menos de quatro meses já estão construindo uma casa. Admiro a capacidade deles darem a volta por cima, apesar de todas as intempéries que a vida traz! São pessoas que olham adiante, seguem em frente e acreditam em seus sonhos! O mundo precisa de mais gente assim.
Foi um dia tranquilo e com boa conversa.
After the period of transmission of the virus was stopped and a long reclusion in my room, literally, at the end of January I went to visit my brother-in-law's little farm in the Guia district. The place is in a condominium, near the Coxipó-Açu river, which during the dry season has very clear water, in some points it is shallow and is great for cooling off.
They managed to buy the land and in less than four months they are already building a house. I admire their ability to come back on top, despite all the bad weather that life brings! These are people who look ahead, move forward and believe in their dreams! The world needs more people like that.
It was a quiet day with good conversation.
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