A vida nos traz intensos aprendizados que precisam ser internalizados e trabalhados com o objetivo de compreendermos o seu significado. Nem sempre estamos preparados e acabamos deixando para lá. Um olhar atento e um coração aberto pode ajudar a compreender estes momentos.
A vida nos traz intensos aprendizados que precisam ser internalizados e trabalhados com o objetivo de compreendermos o seu significado. Nem sempre estamos preparados e acabamos deixando para lá. Um olhar atento e um coração aberto pode ajudar a compreender estes momentos.
Digo isto porque durante o velório de meu pai ocorreu um fato que me trouxe tranquilidade, sem eu entender muito bem o por quê. Por volta do meio dia, quando havia poucas pessoas na capela, entrou um beija-flor que ficou voando durante uns cinco minutos por cima do caixão. Achei lindo e, como meu pai sempre gostou de pássaros, gostei de ver um deles se despedindo.
Depois disso resolvi buscar o significado desse pássaro e percebi outras leituras possíveis. Para os Astecas, as almas dos guerreiros que morriam retornavam à terra com a forma de beija flor ou borboleta, simbolizando também o renascimento, a alegria, a harmonia, a delicadeza e a cura para os ameríndios.
O colibri tem um significado espiritual poderoso, ele nos ensina que devemos seguir adiante, saboreando cada momento e apreciando a magia de estar vivo; não devemos insistir no passado. Ele pode ajudar a trazer uma perspectiva positiva da situação e a encontrar uma saída com otimismo. Se um colibri aparece em sua vida pode representar uma mudança importante. Nos ensina a lutar de um modo a não fazer mal aos outros e a nós mesmos, recuperando a nossa independência. O bater de suas asas nos remete ao símbolo do infinito, da eternidade e continuidade.
Acho que meu pai em sua sabedoria quis nos presentear com a leveza e doçura da vida, nos convidando a seguir em frente, mesmo quando as circunstâncias impostas pela vida tenham exigido mais que o de costume. Vá em paz, siga sua jornada tranquilo, meu pai!
Life brings us intense learning that needs to be internalized and worked with in order to understand its meaning. We are not always prepared and we end up leaving there. A watchful eye and an open heart can help you understand these moments.
I say this because during my father's funeral there was a fact that brought me peace, without my understanding of why. Around noon, when there were few people in the chapel, a hummingbird came in, flying for about five minutes over the coffin. I thought it was beautiful, and since my dad always liked birds, I enjoyed seeing one of them say goodbye.
After that I decided to search for the meaning of this bird and realized other possible readings. For the Aztecs, the souls of the dying warriors returned to earth in the form of a hummingbird or butterfly. It symbolize rebirth, joy, harmony, delicacy and healing.
The hummingbird has a powerful spiritual meaning, it teaches us to move on, savoring every moment and enjoying the magic of being alive; We must not dwell on the past. It can help bring a positive outlook to the situation and find an outlet with optimism. If a hummingbird appears in your life can represent a major change in it. It teaches us how to fight in a way that does not harm others and ourselves by regaining our independence. The flapping of its wings reminds us of the symbol of infinity, of eternity and continuity.
I think my father in his wisdom wanted to present us with the lightness and sweetness of life, inviting us to move forward, even when the circumstances imposed by life demanded more than usual. Go in peace, follow your tranquil journey, my Dad!
I say this because during my father's funeral there was a fact that brought me peace, without my understanding of why. Around noon, when there were few people in the chapel, a hummingbird came in, flying for about five minutes over the coffin. I thought it was beautiful, and since my dad always liked birds, I enjoyed seeing one of them say goodbye.
After that I decided to search for the meaning of this bird and realized other possible readings. For the Aztecs, the souls of the dying warriors returned to earth in the form of a hummingbird or butterfly. It symbolize rebirth, joy, harmony, delicacy and healing.
The hummingbird has a powerful spiritual meaning, it teaches us to move on, savoring every moment and enjoying the magic of being alive; We must not dwell on the past. It can help bring a positive outlook to the situation and find an outlet with optimism. If a hummingbird appears in your life can represent a major change in it. It teaches us how to fight in a way that does not harm others and ourselves by regaining our independence. The flapping of its wings reminds us of the symbol of infinity, of eternity and continuity.
I think my father in his wisdom wanted to present us with the lightness and sweetness of life, inviting us to move forward, even when the circumstances imposed by life demanded more than usual. Go in peace, follow your tranquil journey, my Dad!
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