Pois é!!! Mais uma viagem a ser realizada. Está quase tudo pronto e a expectativa é grande. Será a primeira viagem ao exterior da Leticia e estou feliz em poder proporcionar esta aventura para ela.
Quando a Leticia estava com treze anos perguntamos o que ela queria de presente de aniversário de quinze anos e ela disse: - Uma viagem. Fiquei admirada e pedi para ela escolher o local, sem titubear respondeu - Londres! Uau. - O que você quer fazer em Londres? - Visitar o studio do Harry Potter.
Assim, começou nossa aventura. Faz mais de um ano que estamos planejando esta viagem e agora, em outubro, embarcaremos para Londres. Tem sido bom planejar os passeios e aos poucos ver o sonho dela se transformando em realidade. Acabei embarcando nesta aventura e para mim tem sido muito bom. Depois de quatro anos tumultuados e com grandes mudanças vou tirar férias! Nada mal ser na Europa, né?
Yeah!!! Another trip to be held. Almost everything is ready and the expectation is great. It will be the Leticia's first trip abroad and I am happy to provide this adventure for her.
When Leticia was thirteen years old we asked what she wanted to fifteen birthday and she said: - A trip. I was surprised and asked her to choose the place, without hesitation she replied - London! Wow. - What do you want to do in London? - I want to visit the Harry Potter's studio.
Thus began our adventure. For over a year we are planning this trip and now, in October, we will board to London. It has been good to plan the tours and gradually see her dream turning into reality. I just embarking on this adventure and after four tumultuous years and major changes, I will take a vacation! Not bad to be in Europe, right?
When Leticia was thirteen years old we asked what she wanted to fifteen birthday and she said: - A trip. I was surprised and asked her to choose the place, without hesitation she replied - London! Wow. - What do you want to do in London? - I want to visit the Harry Potter's studio.
Thus began our adventure. For over a year we are planning this trip and now, in October, we will board to London. It has been good to plan the tours and gradually see her dream turning into reality. I just embarking on this adventure and after four tumultuous years and major changes, I will take a vacation! Not bad to be in Europe, right?
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