A sugestão de Ali é fazer um brainstorm, ficar atenta e observar o movimento e os momentos a fim de identificar sua palavra. Listei pelo menos cinco a seis palavras e como sempre tive dificuldade de escolher, mas ao abrir uma página da internet e conversar com minha tia, percebi a palavra que será trabalhada em 2016 - CUIDAR DE SI.
No momento que escolhi esta palavra vi que ela estava ali, só esperando o momento certo para florir. Para minha surpresa, ao pegar o calendário que ganhei desta tia, a mensagem para o mês de Janeiro era a seguinte - "Cultivar o seu melhor é cuidar de você". Seria uma simples coincidência?
I have avoided the resolutions' list for the new year, because I can not always fulfill them and end up frustrated. So I was interested about the proposal of Ali Edwards (aliedwards.com) working a little word during the year. A single word that will allow my growth, a word to focus on, cause it is part of my daily life, to reflect on it.
The suggestion is to brainstorm, be attentive and observe the movement and moments to identify this word. I've listed at least five to six words and as always had trouble choosing, but when I open a web page and talk to my aunt, I noticed the word that will be worked in 2016 - SELF-CARE.
At the moment I have chosen this word I saw that she was there, just waiting for the right time to bloom. To my surprise, to catch the calendar I won this aunt, the message for January was as follows - "Growing your best is to take care of you." Would it be a simple coincidence?
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