Março foi mais um mês pesado, mas seu saldo foi positivo, tem muita coisa boa para agradecer - a acolhida na casa da Rosa, o encontro com amigas, a chuva que refresca,o almoço na casa da Ruth, a fabricação caseira de geleia de pimenta (primeira vez que faço) e a saúde do Cacau.
When the busy and crasy life takes hold of me, I see that is important to stop and go back to my inner. One way to do this is to review what has happened in the month and separate what I want for me and what I can throw away, it doesn't belong me. In these moments I thank!
March was another heavy month, but his balance was positive, I have much good things to thank - the reception at the Rosa's home, meeting with friends, the rain that refreshes, lunch at the Ruth's house, the homemade jelly pepper (first time I made) and the health of Cacau, my little dog.
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