Organicos: Mito ou verdade?/ Organics: Myth or Truth?

Buying vegetables and fruits at the supermarket was never a big deal for me. I usually bought the same ones and in a very few quantities, since it was only my husband and I eating. I never paid attention to organic food. When the organics appeared, I always said that it was a fake, a way to charge more for the same product.
When I moved to the United States, I was surprised with the size of the vegetables and fruits. How could they be so large? At that time, I started to pay attention to all kinds of food I bought: meats, frozen foods, juices, etc. I wanted to know about the kinds of sugar, the hormones, the preservatives added to them.
Three months ago I decided to sign for a program to get fresh vegetables and fruits from a direct farm.  These products are almost all grown in an organic process, but they are not certified because of the costs involved on this process.
Since I signed to this program, I noticed that my husband and I started to eat healthier. We also discovered new tastes: squash with butter, sugar and cinnamon served with lamb, tomatillos with jalapeno and cilantro, and hundreds of different vegetables I would never buy at the supermarket because I did not know them. This new habit made me think again about the organic food: are they really healthier? I listed below some points:
-          organics have 30% fewer toxins than conventional crops
-          pesticide exposure may affect brain development
-          children are intoxicated earlier, since the pesticide are transmitted by breast milk
-          pesticides residues can linger for days, months and years in the environment
-          pesticides pollute drinking water
-          environment toxins can be passed from mother to children in the utero, causing birth defects
Also they last longer than the conventional food before they spoil. They reduce health risks by 94%, and I have fun cooking with my husband.
Now, it is your decision…
