Lugares para visitar em New York - II/ Places to visit in New York - II

The other waterfront neighborhood is Williamsburg, easily reachable by subway - one stop from Manhattan. But I prefer to go by Ferry - the same one to Dumbo, but you go out on 3rd stop - N. 6th St.

Williamsburg, like Dumbo, once had an industrial economy and later in 1970s many warehouses were converted into residential loft buildings for artists. Today it is considered a mecca for young creative artists for over two decades.

Creative art at Williamsburg. Feel the energy and youthful spirit of this place.

Look at the hip neighborhood of shops and bars along Bedford Ave., Explore the lively arts, music and boutique scene.

If you are a chocolate lover, visit the Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory at 111N. 3rd St.

Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory
On Sunday, the Brooklyn Flea market (next to the ferry dock) offers locally and hand-made products as: jewelry, bags, prints, as well as antique objects and foods.


  1. Cada cidade tem seus cantos, recantos e encantos. É isto que traz vida para a cidade e seus moradores. Adorei conhecer esta New York!

    1. Também adorei!!! Mas a visita foi muito rápida! Quero voltar lá para tirar fotos com mais tempo, curtindo a paisagem e esta vida boêmia, que neste momento, me encanta muito...rsrsrsrs...

  2. Now that you know the places, you should take me ;)


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